A Father's Blessing

We all have fathers. Even if you've never met your Dad, he's your Dad. Our understanding of fatherhood is shaped by this man, regardless of how well he has done or the mistakes he has made. Maybe you've had many father figures in your life, or none other than a shadow of a memory. Fatherhood is a Kingdom idea. God designed families to have mothers and fathers, and no matter how much we as humans have misrepresented these roles, He is willing and eager to show His intentions as a Father. I believe God wants to restore your understanding of fatherhood, and He wants you to know Him as your Father, no matter how good or bad your associations with fatherhood are. He is making this available today. The rest of this article is written as a message from your Father God, so allow Him to shift your understanding and to clear any misconceptions created by your earthly father. Allow Him to tell you what a Father is, this Father's Day gift to you, His beloved child. Fatherhood begins at conception. You were conceived in my heart long before the moment your flesh began to form in your mother's womb. You were a twinkle in your Father's eye, the idea of you sparked joy and hope. I started dreaming about you - your personality, your quirks, your character, your opportunities, your relationships, your hopes and your passions. I picked out great gifts for you, things that make you unique and special. I chose specific aspects of My character to weave into you, things that would cause people to look at you and say wow, you look like your Dad! I passed down a natural genetic bend towards love. Love is in your DNA, because of who your Father is. You are naturally inclined towards peace and kindness, to make great choices and to be good at relationships. This is who you are, because of who your Father is.

When your flesh began to form, I was there. I started speaking over you as a Father, declaring My thoughts and My love for you. I sang and danced, showing the world how excited I was that you were finally here. At your birth, I celebrated. And since then, there has not been a single moment when I was not with you. I have never been distracted, disinterested, or disengaged from you. I am always watching, always available, always accessible. I was there in the good moments of celebration and joy, and I was there in the hard moments of failure and fear. Even the times when you felt abandoned, when you felt alone, your Father was there. I'm not a silent Father, I love to speak to you, to listen to you and to ask questions. Your voice is welcome in my living room, your thoughts are important to me.

I am so sorry for the hard moments. I'm sorry that you experienced that pain and that loss. That was not my design for you, that was not my will. Every tear that you've shed I have felt, and every hard consequence you have suffered, I have grieved. My heart towards you is good, dear child. My love for you floods my gaze, and my gaze is always on you. There is nothing in your past that is hidden from me, and there is nothing in your future that will surprise me.

You can trust me.

You can trust me.

You can trust me.

You can trust me.

You can trust me.

I love to provide for you. I'm sorry for the times when this hasn't felt true to you. I want to open your eyes to see my provision, because it is always available to you. I'm not on a budget, and I love to share. My heart towards you is good.

I love to protect you. I'm sorry for the times when this hasn't felt true to you. If you let me break down some walls, if you give me permission to pull back the protections you've created, you will see that I am faithful. There is no need to protect yourself from me. I know sometimes I have seemed intimidating and too strong, but my strength is always on your side. It's ok to let me in, I can be very gentle when that is what you need. My heart towards you is good.

I love to bless you. I'm sorry for the times when this hasn't felt true to you. I have not overlooked you when handing out blessings. I see you, and I give you access to everything in My Kingdom. When I bless other people, it doesn't cost you anything. Don't let your heart grow bitter with jealousy, when my arms are open to you. Bring it to me and let me love the bitter out of it. I give you permission to celebrate blessing whenever you see it, because you recognize Me in it. My heart towards you is good.

There's things about you that the world doesn't fully get. But I get you. I understand you, I'm not confused by you or wishing you were something more or less than you are. I do not misunderstand you. I see your heart, I see your intentions, and I love you. I'm putting my hands on you right now, my strong and soft hands.

My right hand is in your head, releasing a blessing from Father to child. It's not a mistake, it's not a trick, it's you I have chosen for this blessing. There is nothing you did to earn this, and nothing you could do to increase or decrease it. It's my blessing to you, so it's based on my resources and my strength. You just receive. You can choose to not use it of course, I cannot force you to take it. But I want you to know this is available to you, and to walk in it fully you will need to remain in intimate relationship with Me. You must let your thoughts be in agreement with this blessing, and let your actions reflect it. Choose blessing over curse.

May your awareness and understanding of the Lord ever increase. May you have eyes to see and ears to hear all that He is saying to you. May you be aware of how hungry you are for the Word and for time in God's presence. May your heart be so close to the Father's heart that you never doubt His love, and that you begin to see everyone you meet as He sees them. May every wound and pain be swallowed up by the love of your Father, and used to bring beauty into a broken world. May every negative word spoken over you disintegrate as you choose to receive this blessing today. May you always be aware of what is available to you - provision, protection and blessing. May you see things in correct proportion - your problems no matter how big, are small in the presence of your Father; and your Father, no matter how little you feel, is strong and willing to show up for you. May your relationships be blessed by unity with the Spirit of God. May your hopes and dreams be purified and ignited in the light of God's presence. May you have the courage to bring every fear and failure to your Father, and allow Him to bring correction whenever it is needed. May you have the freedom to be who He made you to be and no longer be held back by other people's opinions, or by the protection you thought you needed. May every day be filled with curiosity and wonder, and every season be marked by an increase in your inheritance in the Kingdom.


Toxic Thoughts

