Biblical Encouragement
This blog is dedicated to exploring the richness of the Bible and providing encouragement for Christians on their faith journey. Each article aims to deepen your understanding through engaging Bible study insights, uplifting messages about God’s love, and reflections on the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives. Whether you’re seeking inspiration, practical tips for spiritual growth, or simply a reminder of God’s presence, this space is designed to nurture your faith with warmth and simplicity. Join us as we celebrate the joy of walking with God together!
Oh How We Love Each Other
If you've been in the church for any amount of time you know that loving Christians is hard. It is much easier to love Jesus, and the homeless man on the corner, than to love the sinful brothers and sisters that are the church. But this is what Christ leaves his apostles with. In this conversation around the table, He could have told them any number of things to be famous for - but His desire is that we would be famous for loving each other well.
Do you recognize Jesus?
I wonder how many times I have prayed for God to show up and then walked right past Him. That's one of the questions I actually don't want an answer to! With an ever present God, we miss Him more often than not.
3 Steps to Victory
If there are areas of your life where you are not seeing victory, it’s time to stand up for your rights as a child of God. Jesus ultimately defeated our enemy on the cross, but we need to do the work of standing up for that victory every day. Here are 3 basic steps to evicting the enemy from your life.
Hope is a Verb
As an adult, most seasons of hoping last longer than we would like them to. Can I get an amen? In that season of anticipation, hope can slip. Bit by bit, piece by piece, the enemy will strip it away until you are left heartsick. Our enemy defers our hope. He wears us down with small lies and big ones.
Call to Honesty
What if we could tell our stories not only when they're complete and neat and tied with a beautiful bow, but when we're in the middle of them? Imagine with me, a church where we model for each other how to survive the middle of the story and not just the end. I wish I'd had people around me who said hey, I have these wounds, and they still hurt, but God is here and He is good. To show me how to give testimony during the process.
The Problem of Faith
Whatever problem is filling your vision - don't give it any power. Tell it about your faith. Speak out the truth, God's Word, and have complete confidence in it. If you're not sure what the truth is, ask someone you trust who can help you hear God's truth over the noise of your problem. When God reveals the truth to you, put your faith in it, in Him.
When the Future is Fuzzy
Whether it was a human mistake, an attack of the enemy, or the mysterious hand of God - you're here now, and any one of those causes should have the same effect. Hear this now, soak it in, because I know it with every fibre of my being. No matter what zapped that perfect plan you had, God's intention is to bring beauty from the broken.