
Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

The Loneliness Epidemic

Sometimes we are alone because of the brokenness around us and in us. The messiness of relationships with others takes its toll, and we choose to protect ourselves by pulling back. We've been hurt one too many times, and we retreat into the safety of aloneness.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

Why Worship Matters

There’s a lot that happens in the unseen world while we worship through song. I don’t think we will understand it all this side of heaven, but we can note that it is powerful. The great and True story of the battle of Jericho shows how God used song to topple the walls of the city. Worship is a weapon of spiritual warfare, and should be used as such. 

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

How to Talk to God

Our culture is not great at communication. With all of our technology and improvements, we’ve lost the essence of healthy communication. We’ve stopped listening, and for the most part we’ve stopped caring. Our communication is fast, easy, and one sided. You no longer have to engage with someone to communicate.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

Active Waiting

It seems that this God of ours knows something about the waiting that we don’t, and it’s an opportunity for us to exercise our faith. I can’t begin to determine His reasons in your life or mine, and I don’t even want to. I love the wonder and mystery because it gives me a chance to be small, and to let God be big. 

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

Holy Rhythm

The rhythm of life is sometimes too loud, too fast, too harsh. For others it is too sparse, the rhythm has silent rest sections that last too long. I'm going to propose a radical idea here: we're supposed to follow a constant holy rhythm. God established this rhythm from the beginning, and let me throw this out there - I don't think He was actually tired on Sunday after spending a week creating. 

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

The Art of Letting Go

Sometimes the letting go is forced upon us by circumstances, and sometimes it takes courage for us to initiate. At some point in life we find ourselves on either side of the coin, and the best we could do would be to trust God's hand in it all, and let Him teach us the art of letting go.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

Grace for the Humble

There's an appreciation for this item that is visibly broken and made whole again. It's this liquid gold filling the cracks that speaks to a process of restoration, redemption, and humility. The imperfection testifies to the process of healing. 

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

Why You Should Know Melchizedek

The reason he is important is that the references in Hebrews tell us that Jesus is a priest in the Melchizedek order (not levitical). There are a few differences between the two - levitical priests are born into their role, Melchizedek was chosen specifically for his. Levites were priests but not political rulers, Melchizedek was both priest and King of Jerusalem. But there's a more subtle difference in that small bite of scripture…

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

Oh How We Love Each Other

If you've been in the church for any amount of time you know that loving Christians is hard. It is much easier to love Jesus, and the homeless man on the corner, than to love the sinful brothers and sisters that are the church. But this is what Christ leaves his apostles with. In this conversation around the table, He could have told them any number of things to be famous for - but His desire is that we would be famous for loving each other well.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

Do you recognize Jesus?

I wonder how many times I have prayed for God to show up and then walked right past Him. That's one of the questions I actually don't want an answer to! With an ever present God, we miss Him more often than not.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

3 Steps to Victory

If there are areas of your life where you are not seeing victory, it’s time to stand up for your rights as a child of God. Jesus ultimately defeated our enemy on the cross, but we need to do the work of standing up for that victory every day. Here are 3 basic steps to evicting the enemy from your life.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

Hope is a Verb

As an adult, most seasons of hoping last longer than we would like them to. Can I get an amen? In that season of anticipation, hope can slip. Bit by bit, piece by piece, the enemy will strip it away until you are left heartsick. Our enemy defers our hope. He wears us down with small lies and big ones.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

Call to Honesty

What if we could tell our stories not only when they're complete and neat and tied with a beautiful bow, but when we're in the middle of them? Imagine with me, a church where we model for each other how to survive the middle of the story and not just the end. I wish I'd had people around me who said hey, I have these wounds, and they still hurt, but God is here and He is good. To show me how to give testimony during the process.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

The Problem of Faith

Whatever problem is filling your vision - don't give it any power. Tell it about your faith. Speak out the truth, God's Word, and have complete confidence in it. If you're not sure what the truth is, ask someone you trust who can help you hear God's truth over the noise of your problem. When God reveals the truth to you, put your faith in it, in Him.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

When the Future is Fuzzy

Whether it was a human mistake, an attack of the enemy, or the mysterious hand of God - you're here now, and any one of those causes should have the same effect. Hear this now, soak it in, because I know it with every fibre of my being. No matter what zapped that perfect plan you had, God's intention is to bring beauty from the broken.

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