
There's a lot of us looking for breakthrough. Some chase it with lottery tickets, others go looking for an experience that gives them a taste of heaven. Really, what we're all seeking is for God to come into our lives. We want Him to break through the dust of every day life, through the ordinary moments and relentless negativity that seeps through our screens and invades our thoughts. We want Him to show up with power and might, with grace and mercy, to prove His love. We want Him to not be silent. We want breakthrough in our marriages, in our schools, and on behalf of the poor and needy. We want to force His hand to show up in all the places we can't see Him. Beloved, this is good. This hunger, this thirst is holy and right. It's there precisely because it's meant to be filled. But how you respond to the hunger will change everything. It makes sense to the world, to beg God to break through and meet the need. It's easy, and it's natural to ask God to meet the need. When we do that though, I think we miss an opportunity. We miss the very heart of God.

God will visit us, break through to our reality. He has in my life on occasion, and I've seen it in others. But His heart, His higher purpose, is crying out for us to visit His reality. He would rather host us. This makes sense in the Kingdom - that we would stop begging God to show up when He has already provided everything. That we would run to His arms, casting off every doubt and fear that holds us back. That we would trust and hope and have faith that Jesus is more than willing to draw us further into Him.

The God who holds it all together has already prepared a seat for you at the banquet table. The Creator who's breath gives us life and sustains it with His love. He's provided a feast, and we keep asking Him to deliver a pizza. Don't get me wrong, pizza is delicious - but it's a quick fix and it won't sustain you for very long. That banquet though - we can live from that table. We get to eat in the presence of our enemies, we get limitless helpings of everything that Love provides.

The harvest produced by the Holy Spirit within you is divine love in all it's various expressions. This love is revealed through: Joy that overflows, Peace that subdues, Patience that endures, Kindness in action, A full life of virtue, Faith that prevails, Gentleness of heart, and Strength of spirit. Never set the law above these qualities, for they are meant to be limitless.

Galatians 5:22-23 TPT

If you've been praying for breakthrough, if you've been begging God to manifest His presence in your life, this is your moment. Stop dreaming of winning the lottery, stop chasing a temporary fix. Pull up a seat at the banquet, and choose life. It requires you to actually believe the words and life that Jesus speaks over you, and it takes persistence and obedience. But oh Beloved, this feast is a harvest of Love.


Stolen Identity


A Letter to the Under Valued