Aroma of Christ

But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.

2 Corinthians 2:14-15

I’ve always loved the language of Paul’s writing. He’s poetic, dramatic, and passionate. But some of his original intention can be lost or misinterpreted, unless we look at what it meant to the people who first read his letters. This is a great example from his letter to the church in Corinth. It’s beautiful poetic language, but what does it mean?

The triumphal procession he’s talking about was a common practice in Rome. When the Roman army conquered new territory, they would return with a victory parade in Rome to celebrate. First would be the captives - the enemy captured and in chains, marched through the streets for all to see that they have been incapacitated and would soon be killed. The enemy may be able to make noise and mock the people, but they were clearly conquered. Next in line would be the priests, carrying censers filled with sweet incense. The aroma from the incense would waft through the city, a signal to the people that victory was won, and the emperor was present.

Next in line was the emperor, sitting on a tall chariot, wearing a gold crown. There was a slave beside him, holding a gold crown above his head and continuously whispering in his ear “respice”. This Latin word respice means look behind, and would remind the victor that he was mortal, that even in this victory he should remain humble.

Following the victor on the chariot, grateful citizens from the city would join in the procession singing of the victory. They had smelled the aroma, and were drawn by it out onto the streets where they saw the enemy captive, and sang praises as they followed the victorious emperor.

Wow. That really changes this passage, doesn’t it? Or at least sheds light on Paul’s encouragement here. We are called to be this aroma to the world - a signal that the Victor, Christ, is present! Our actions and words should cause people to join the procession of God, to praise Him and celebrate His presence. And this picture of the enemy - captured, chained up, but still making noise. So true of what we are still facing - Christ has conquered our enemy and he will soon be completely defeated. We need to remember that he may be making noise, but we don’t need to fear him because Christ has the victory!

And I don’t know about you, but I could use someone constantly whispering in my ear “be humble”! Especially in seasons of victory and abundance, we need to be sensitive to the whispers of the Holy Spirit, to be humble and willing to serve the people around us.

So let’s be the aroma of Christ, let’s behave in such a way that we are drawing people to Christ, that we are speaking love and hope. Let our lives be a signal to the world that the enemy is conquered, and Christ is present with us.


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