Know Your Territory

Quite often when I read my Bible I like to note two things: what is my job, and what is God’s job? As a self confessed former control freak, this has been an incredibly helpful tool! I used to think everything was my job… my circumstances, my actions, other people’s actions, my sanctification, God’s plan for my life, etc. All of it fell on my shoulders. I’m exhausted just thinking about it to be honest! Living that way was destructive not only for my emotional health, but for my relationship with God and with others.

Looking at Scripture from this lens of responsibility is helpful because the Holy Spirit will show us how to walk in the freedom of obedience, without trying to control or manipulate. It helps us have a right view of who God is, and to have clear boundaries in our lives. We need to know what we are responsible for, what others are responsible for, and what God is responsible for. When these 3 areas get mixed up, a whole host of problems will follow.

For example, if I take on things that other people are responsible for, I am in danger of pride, judgement, and fear of man. What I’m really saying is, I don’t trust God to take care of me if other people mess up. That is fear, that is coming from an incorrect view of God. When I truly trust that God will be with me and loves me, I know that He will bring something good even when other people hurt me. Allowing other people to be responsible for their choices doesn’t mean that we live in isolation or we don’t operate in love or community. We must learn the balance of love without control - Jesus is the perfect example for this.

The other danger is to try and take responsibility for God’s job. Again, this stems from a fear following a wrong view of who He is. If we think God is not going to do His part, we will try to do it for Him. The key here is to trust His word, not our circumstances. You know who God is, it’s written all over the Bible - He is kind, He is speaking love and encouragement over you all the time, His plans for you are good, and He never leaves you. Even if your circumstances tell you otherwise, this is the truth. When we try to do God’s job for Him, the scary thing is, He will let us. He will not force Himself on us. He will let us choose to rob Him of His role.

Finally, the other danger is that we shirk our own responsibilities. We can easily allow other people to do what God has asked us to do. We can blame others when we have failed or fallen short. We can sit and wait for God to work in our lives, when He is patiently waiting for us to take the territory He has given us. I think this often happens when we are believing lies about our identity - lies that tell us we have no territory, or that we are not strong enough or good enough to occupy it.

Let me tell you friend, there is a territory God has assigned to you and you alone. It’s not just about your calling or your job or your area of ministry. Your territory is the responsibilities God has given you, to steward the gifts, the love, the wisdom He has assigned to you. And when you are faithful with these things, when you know the boundaries of your territory and are obedient to steward it, God will increase your territory. You will see an increase of His grace and favour in your life.

Let’s look at God’s words to Joshua as he laid his eyes on the territory God had given him.

Only be strong and very courageous, being careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may have good success wherever you go. This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:7-9

To apply this to our lives today, let’s ask: what is my job? What is God’s job? My job is to be strong, be courageous, to be obedient to God’s law and to not be afraid or dismayed. That’s it. Not dependant on circumstances, on what God does or what other people do. There are no qualifications or conditional statements here, my job is clear.

God’s job? Bring good success and prosperity, and to be with me wherever I go. That’s a promise. I will trust that He is with me, even when I don’t feel it. I will trust that He is with me, even when I don’t see it. I will not partner with fear, because I know that He is with me.

Scripture is full of these opportunities to define our territory. The next time you open your Bible, ask Him to show you your territory, and be willing to trust Him with His. He is faithful.


Aroma of Christ


From Why to Wonder