Biblical Encouragement

This blog is dedicated to exploring the richness of the Bible and providing encouragement for Christians on their faith journey. Each article aims to deepen your understanding through engaging Bible study insights, uplifting messages about God’s love, and reflections on the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives. Whether you’re seeking inspiration, practical tips for spiritual growth, or simply a reminder of God’s presence, this space is designed to nurture your faith with warmth and simplicity. Join us as we celebrate the joy of walking with God together!

Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

You're Not Too _____

Maybe someone has said it to you, or maybe a lot of people have. Maybe it screams at you from the mirror, or maybe you work hard to keep it hidden. It might be something about your personality, your body, or your character. Chances are you've even asked God to change it.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

The Real Meaning of Abide

Abiding is one of those tricky concepts that sounds a lot easier than it is. It sounds restful but it's not (always). It sounds like something you do, but it's more about who you are. Abiding sounds like an action you can check off your to do list, but it's really, really not. Abiding is not about carrying God with you everywhere, it's about letting Him carry you.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

Kingdom Fathers

Men don't exactly have it easy in this society, there's a lot of pulls in different directions, to be who someone else says they should be. To be who someone else needs them to be. Each of those paths leads to a false freedom, an empty promise for fulfillment and identity. Men, you will only be free to the degree you comprehend you are loved.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

Broken Trust

Our society places a high value on trust. We teach it to our kids, we strive to be trustworthy people, and some of the most popular pins on Pinterest are quotes about protecting yourself from people who break your trust. It's a fragile thing, that's why we talk about it as something that is earned and broken so quickly. Trust is easily shattered, sending shards of brokenness in places we won't find for years to come.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

Walk by the Spirit

There's one thing we all have in common on this side of heaven. No matter where we are in our journey, we contain both spirit and flesh. We are a mix of heaven and earth, like water and oil slamming up against each other but never mixing. We often feel at war with our own selves, and we are not alone.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

Kingdom Mothers

Mothers are designed to love. God in His mighty omniscience granted this overwhelming capacity to love unconditionally, knowing He had already designed us to be born as babies who mostly just cry and poop and bring a lot of pain. I don't know how you can explain a mother's love without mentioning God.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

Can I Forgive Without Forgetting?

It's a necessary part of relationship - I would argue you can't be in authentic relationship without practicing forgiveness. If it's so common and so necessary, why oh why is it so difficult?! Why do so many of us struggle with this task of forgiveness?

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

About Grief

The thing about grief is, the only way over it is through it. We all will face grief in our lives, on more than one occasion. It's the nature of this world where our enemy is active and we await the return of our King. I'm no expert, but I'm currently grieving a loss and have been seeking God's heart during my journey. There's a few things He wants us to know.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

More Than Conquerers

With consistency, the need for control only grows until it suddenly is controlling you. The more you focus on producing a specific outcome, the further away you get from the throne of God. The problem with control is, it leaves no room for faith.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

When God Says No

The things that we ask for are often good things. Things we want because of a deeper need. The problem is, our world spins fast and leaves us with little time to dig deep in our prayers and we are left with a few minutes to address what's most troubling us. The deep needs that plague us bubble up into immediate wants. We want health, wealth and success.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

Permission to Stop

There is a night and day difference between giving up and standing still. There is only one thing that God asks of you when you hit rock bottom. Stand still, and soften your heart to Him. He is more than capable of fighting for you, and wants to accomplish much through this pain. What your enemy intends to destroy you, God will take advantage of.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

For the Love of Discipline

One of my kids was having a rough day yesterday and heading into a tantrum. He was half way up the stairs when I saw the legs and arms start to flail, and frustrated noises bubbling up inside of him. I swooped that little body in close, and hugged him tight. I temporarily removed his freedom and forced him to receive a hug. The arms & legs relaxed and he melted into me. What felt like punishment to him at first was actually a loving discipline.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

The Loneliness Epidemic

Sometimes we are alone because of the brokenness around us and in us. The messiness of relationships with others takes its toll, and we choose to protect ourselves by pulling back. We've been hurt one too many times, and we retreat into the safety of aloneness.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

Why Worship Matters

There’s a lot that happens in the unseen world while we worship through song. I don’t think we will understand it all this side of heaven, but we can note that it is powerful. The great and True story of the battle of Jericho shows how God used song to topple the walls of the city. Worship is a weapon of spiritual warfare, and should be used as such. 

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

How to Talk to God

Our culture is not great at communication. With all of our technology and improvements, we’ve lost the essence of healthy communication. We’ve stopped listening, and for the most part we’ve stopped caring. Our communication is fast, easy, and one sided. You no longer have to engage with someone to communicate.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

Active Waiting

It seems that this God of ours knows something about the waiting that we don’t, and it’s an opportunity for us to exercise our faith. I can’t begin to determine His reasons in your life or mine, and I don’t even want to. I love the wonder and mystery because it gives me a chance to be small, and to let God be big. 

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

Holy Rhythm

The rhythm of life is sometimes too loud, too fast, too harsh. For others it is too sparse, the rhythm has silent rest sections that last too long. I'm going to propose a radical idea here: we're supposed to follow a constant holy rhythm. God established this rhythm from the beginning, and let me throw this out there - I don't think He was actually tired on Sunday after spending a week creating. 

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

The Art of Letting Go

Sometimes the letting go is forced upon us by circumstances, and sometimes it takes courage for us to initiate. At some point in life we find ourselves on either side of the coin, and the best we could do would be to trust God's hand in it all, and let Him teach us the art of letting go.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

Grace for the Humble

There's an appreciation for this item that is visibly broken and made whole again. It's this liquid gold filling the cracks that speaks to a process of restoration, redemption, and humility. The imperfection testifies to the process of healing. 

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

Why You Should Know Melchizedek

The reason he is important is that the references in Hebrews tell us that Jesus is a priest in the Melchizedek order (not levitical). There are a few differences between the two - levitical priests are born into their role, Melchizedek was chosen specifically for his. Levites were priests but not political rulers, Melchizedek was both priest and King of Jerusalem. But there's a more subtle difference in that small bite of scripture…

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