
Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

About Depression

Your identity as God's Beloved doesn't changed based on your mood, your illness, or your circumstances. Depression doesn't make you less of a Christian, less loved by God, or less valuable to those around you. Lock that one in, because shame is a close friend of depression and it's got to go. Some of the bravest people I know are the ones who are in a long battle with depression.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

Stolen Identity

What you think about yourself is some of the most important thoughts you will ever have. Your identity, your calling, your destiny are lived inside out. Don't wait for circumstances or other people to tell you who you are. You need to crawl into your Daddy's lap - the One who created you and knows you more fully than anyone on earth every will. He gets to define you, to identify you, to call you. All of these things flow out of intimacy with the Father.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward


We want Him to break through the dust of every day life, through the ordinary moments and relentless negativity that seeps through our screens and invades our thoughts. We want Him to show up with power and might, with grace and mercy, to prove His love. We want Him to not be silent.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

A Letter to the Under Valued

You need to hear this, if you are waiting for a better day. You need to hear this if you are in a dead end job, or in between jobs, or are in a place where your passions and talents are not being recognized. You need to hear this if you are a parent who has carefully placed your dreams on a shelf while you teach a child how to dream their own. This letter is for you.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

Freedom You Don't Need

The problem with this need to be set free, is that it's a lie. It's a tricky one because it feels so true. The truth is Beloved, you don't need any of those things to be free. You were free the moment you accepted the work of Christ on the cross. You were free the moment you said yes to life and no to death.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

Preparing for the Unknown

The more my circumstances seem to spin into chaos, the more I want to bring order and control. But what if there was a different way? If God says that He delivers us from all fear, then even in the spinning and chaos I get to claim that promise.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

Love Your Story

What is the narrative of your life? What act are you in? How would you describe the part of the story you're in? And what if you could zoom out for a minute, and take a look at the bigger picture? You might see that this chapter really isn't as long as it feels. You might find that the pieces God is stringing together speaks a more beautiful truth than you could imagine from the page you're stuck on now.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

Dry Seasons

When we start to believe that God withdraws from us for a season, or that He is less affectionate or less kind in some seasons than others, we're believing a lie. The truth is, He never changes. Nothing about Him changes - not His character, not His countenance towards you, not the way His eyes shine when He looks at you.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

Emancipation Proclamation

When President Lincoln sat down at his desk on New Years Day 150 years ago, he dipped his pen in ink and signed the Emancipation Proclamation. In that moment, countless slaves were free. With the stroke of a pen, it was done. The problem was, the slaves didn't know it yet. They got up before dawn, and started another day of gruelling work and punishment.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

The Anxiety Secret

This might not be your particular struggle in life, but I'd bet that it is for someone close to you, even if they'd never let you see it. It's the most common mental illness in our society with some estimates that 40% of the population experiences it at some point in their life.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

Hungry for Restoration

So, how does redemption work? The word redeem literally means to buy back. It's about paying a debt, trading good for bad. That's what the world would say. But we are not people of this world, Amen? We're kingdom folk. So what is heaven's definition of redemption? What does the kingdom of God say?

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

You're Not Too _____

Maybe someone has said it to you, or maybe a lot of people have. Maybe it screams at you from the mirror, or maybe you work hard to keep it hidden. It might be something about your personality, your body, or your character. Chances are you've even asked God to change it.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

The Real Meaning of Abide

Abiding is one of those tricky concepts that sounds a lot easier than it is. It sounds restful but it's not (always). It sounds like something you do, but it's more about who you are. Abiding sounds like an action you can check off your to do list, but it's really, really not. Abiding is not about carrying God with you everywhere, it's about letting Him carry you.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

Kingdom Fathers

Men don't exactly have it easy in this society, there's a lot of pulls in different directions, to be who someone else says they should be. To be who someone else needs them to be. Each of those paths leads to a false freedom, an empty promise for fulfillment and identity. Men, you will only be free to the degree you comprehend you are loved.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

Broken Trust

Our society places a high value on trust. We teach it to our kids, we strive to be trustworthy people, and some of the most popular pins on Pinterest are quotes about protecting yourself from people who break your trust. It's a fragile thing, that's why we talk about it as something that is earned and broken so quickly. Trust is easily shattered, sending shards of brokenness in places we won't find for years to come.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

Walk by the Spirit

There's one thing we all have in common on this side of heaven. No matter where we are in our journey, we contain both spirit and flesh. We are a mix of heaven and earth, like water and oil slamming up against each other but never mixing. We often feel at war with our own selves, and we are not alone.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

Kingdom Mothers

Mothers are designed to love. God in His mighty omniscience granted this overwhelming capacity to love unconditionally, knowing He had already designed us to be born as babies who mostly just cry and poop and bring a lot of pain. I don't know how you can explain a mother's love without mentioning God.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

Can I Forgive Without Forgetting?

It's a necessary part of relationship - I would argue you can't be in authentic relationship without practicing forgiveness. If it's so common and so necessary, why oh why is it so difficult?! Why do so many of us struggle with this task of forgiveness?

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

About Grief

The thing about grief is, the only way over it is through it. We all will face grief in our lives, on more than one occasion. It's the nature of this world where our enemy is active and we await the return of our King. I'm no expert, but I'm currently grieving a loss and have been seeking God's heart during my journey. There's a few things He wants us to know.

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Faith Amy Hayward Faith Amy Hayward

More Than Conquerers

With consistency, the need for control only grows until it suddenly is controlling you. The more you focus on producing a specific outcome, the further away you get from the throne of God. The problem with control is, it leaves no room for faith.

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